雛祭り 2020
雛祭り(More Vino)
Hinamatsuri (Dolls Festival)
日本食レストランMore Vinoとの共催で、お店からは雛祭り弁当を特別に用意して頂き、ハチドリ会からはお馴染みの浴衣の着付けと和菓子、その他に会員手作りの折り紙で作った箸入れ等を販売しました。 日本国大使館より雛人形をお借りし装飾のメインとし、フェスティバルの雰囲気が出せました。更に大使館からはお餅つきのデモンストレーションをしていただき、大使夫妻始め館員の皆様も応援に来てくださいました。また、会員の一人が雛祭りにちなんだ音楽をスティールパンで披露したりと盛りだくさんのイベントで大成功に終わることが出来ました。
Hinamatsuri is celebrated annually in Japan on March 3rd. More Vino More Sushi, a Japanese restaurant in Port of Spain, agreed to be the joint-organizer of the event and offered the restaurant for its venue. They had special Hinamatsuri bento boxes on sale. The Hummingbird Association members dressed guests in a yukata (summer kimono) so that they could be photographed in it. Japanese sweets, and origami items including chopsticks holders folded by the members, were also on sale. We asked the Embassy of Japan for the rental of the entire set of hina dolls. They were dressed in traditional court fashion of the ancient period, including the Emperor, Empress, and musicians. This was our Centre-piece of the display which contributed to the festive atmosphere of the event. The Embassy of Japan organized a demonstration of the rice-cake pounding (mochi-tsuki) . It showed how hot steamed rice is pounded into rice cakes (mochi) . One of our members played the music of Hinamatsuri with the steel pan, which was well-received by everyone.